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JFunc: Examples

Multiple Failures

One of the things which perturbed me regarding JUnit was the fact that I couldn't allow a test to continue running once a failure had occurred within that test. In JUnit all failures are "fatal" to the test. In JFunc you can choose between failures being "fatal" or "non-fatal". To illustrate this here's what the test code looks like:

public SimpleTest(String name) {
    setFatal(false); // use non-fatal asserts
public void testMultipleFailures() {
    fail("failing once");
    fail("failing twice");
    fail("failing once again");

Running JFunc's test runner presents the following results:

$ java -cp jfunc.jar:junit.jar junit.extensions.jfunc.textui.JFuncRunner \
--color junit.extensions.jfunc.samples.SimpleTest testMultipleFailures
Time: 0.022
There were 3 failures:
1) SimpleTest.testMultipleFailures() failing once
2) SimpleTest.testMultipleFailures() failing twice
3) SimpleTest.testMultipleFailures() failing once again

Tests run: 1,  Failures: 3,  Errors: 0

Do note that the familiar status line "Tests run: x, Failures: y, Errors: z" will no longer retain the familiar property x >= y + z. And yes those colors will present themselves on the terminal, if you use the '--color' option or you place 'jfunc.color=true' in your JUnit preferences file.

Manual Suite Construction

Most unit testing can rely on the test suite to be dynamically generated, in functional testing this is almost never the case. I'll first demonstrate the standard means of constructing a suite, both typesafe and not typesafe, and then demonstrate how proxies can make this easier and provide more features.

These three pieces of code should illustrate the difference.

Example 1. Old Style (not typesafe):

TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
// this may break at runtime in the event any of these methods change
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("testPassed"));
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("testFailed"));
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("testErrored"));
// can't give arguments to a test using this method
//suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("testWithArgs"));
return suite;

Example 2. Old Style (typesafe):

TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("passed") {
        protected void runTest() { testPassed(); }
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("failed") {
        protected void runTest() { testFailed(); }
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("errored") {
        protected void runTest() { testErrored(); }
suite.addTest(new SuiteConstruction("args") {
        protected void runTest() { testWithArgs(new Object()); }
return suite;

Example 3. New Style:

JFuncSuite suite = new JFuncSuite();
SuiteConstruction test = new SuiteConstruction();
test = (SuiteConstruction) suite.getTestProxy(test);
test.testWithArgs(new Object());
return suite;

Examples 2 and 3 are effectively the same (example 1 is not, because it can not provide arguments to the test). Example 3 is easier to read in my opinion, and more concise. If you were to compare the example 1 against example 3, an advantage is more checks happen at compile time (where example 1 could be easily broken by changes in the method names, and you wouldn't know about it until it runtime). Also the new style allows for one to optionally choose between one test instance per test (default JUnit behavior) or one test instance for all tests (meaning you can now use those class variables without having to make them static). See below for an example.

All the examples can be found in the source code under junit/extensions/jfunc/samples/SuiteConstruction.java

One Test Instance

In functional testing, you may find that a lot of information necessary to run the test isn't available until the test is actually running. Fixtures are not really applicable to this sort of testing. What you really want in this case is member variables which the JFunc suite allows for.

    private boolean sharing = false; // member variable

    public void testSharing() {
        assert("sharing should always should start out false", sharing == false);
        sharing = true;

In JUnit this code will always fail because every test is a different instance of that test, therefore you can't share member variables. This is a good thing in unit testing, since you want your unit tests to stand alone and not interfere with each other. In functionality testing though, I don't think you can get away with this. More often then not you end up with static member variables in an attempt to pass variables between the classes.

$ java -cp jfunc.jar:junit.jar junit.extensions.jfunc.textui.JFuncRunner \
 -v --color junit.extensions.jfunc.samples.SuiteConstruction sharing
Time: 0.018
There was 1 failure:
1) SuiteConstruction.testSharing() sharing should always should start out false

Tests run: 2,  Failures: 1,  Errors: 0

Enhanced Test Runner

JFunc's test runner has been enhanced in a few ways, that aren't immediately noticeable when you first use it. This was intentional, as I want JFunc to behave exactly like JUnit unless you opt-in to use some of JFunc's features.

usage: jfuncrunner [--wait] [-v] [--color] testCaseName [args]
  --version   display version
  --wait      wait between tests
  -v          be verbose (show verbose assertions)
  --color     display ANSI colors

Verbose assertions are described below. Arguments can be passed to a test now also described below.

The color feature was added just to keep in sync with the JUnit mantra, "keep the bar green to keep the code clean..."

Verbose Assertions

When using JUnit for functional testing there are often times where you want more reporting than "..F.E". Sometimes you want your tool to actually report not only on the failures, but also on the tests that have passed. This is another area where functional testing and unit testing have their differences. In unit testing it is mainly the developer who is going to be using test runner and other associated tools. In functional testing, however, sometimes the tests may be employed by QA or other people who aren't intimately familiar with the code, and terseness is something you want to avoid. Basically, you want to be able to display what it is that you're testing. That's the reasoning behind the verbose assertions anyhow.

Here's a snippet of code from SimpleTest:

public void testVerboseAssertions() {
    // first arg is a description of the comparison
    // second arg is the expected value
    // third arg is the actual value
    vassert("good old numbers", 1, 1);
    vassert("good old numbers", 3, 1);
    vassert("good old strings", "hi", "hi");
    vassert("good old strings", "hi", "bye");
    // first arg is the passed message
    // second arg is the failed message
    // third arg is condition (true = passed, false = failed)
    vassert("Found some similarities", "No similarities found", true);
    vassert("Found some similarities", "No similarities found", false);

Running JFunc's test runner presents the following results:

$ java -cp jfunc.jar:junit.jar junit.extensions.jfunc.textui.JFuncRunner \
 -v --color junit.extensions.jfunc.samples.SimpleTest testVerboseAssertions
  [ PASSED good old numbers: EXPECTED(1) ACTUAL(1) ]
  [ FAILED good old numbers: EXPECTED(3) ACTUAL(1) ]
  [ PASSED good old strings: EXPECTED(hi) ACTUAL(hi) ]
  [ FAILED good old strings: EXPECTED(hi) ACTUAL(bye) ]
  [ PASSED Found some similarities ]
  [ FAILED No similarities found ]

Time: 0.044
There were 3 failures:
1) SimpleTest.testVerboseAssertions() good old numbers: EXPECTED(3) ACTUAL(1)
2) SimpleTest.testVerboseAssertions() good old strings: EXPECTED(hi) ACTUAL(bye)
3) SimpleTest.testVerboseAssertions() No similarities found

Tests run: 1,  Failures: 3,  Errors: 0

Notice that two options are given to the test runner. The '-v' option displays verbose assertions, if it were left out you'd get ".FFF". And there is also the color option which just makes the term easier to read.

Pass Arguments to the Suite Constructor

JFunc's test runner allows for you to pass arguments to your suite constructor. It allows you to specify the following suite constructor:

public static Test suite(String[] args) throws UsageException {
    // body

SimpleTest makes use of this functionality to run only one of it's tests:

public static Test suite(String[] args) throws UsageException {
    return new SimpleTest(args[0]);

You may have noticed this in some of the preceding examples. However, it is backwards compatible with the old suite constructor, which is used if no arguments are given.

If you're wondering how this could be useful, you probably don't need this functionality.

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